Attempts on her Life
Written by Crimp in 1997, Attempts on her Life has become an ever-evolving thing, a bible of sorts, with which artists have navigated the changing times: as it found itself on the cusp of the Millennium, the world was just learning what urgency could feel like. The uncertainty and fear with which Crimp infused this script are just as relevant today. And yet, this show is unafraid of diving into the questions we deem too complex—it is provocative, it is violent; it is also curious and endearing. It is not afraid of being difficult. As we witness eight performers try and navigate the modern world, switching back and forth between characters and archetypes, caught up in this search for faith, we in fact cannot help but recognize ourselves.
Performed by Sarah Hartmus, Samuel Hopkins, Sophia Karaz, Abhi Keshamouni, Ashley Kramer, Ella Lewis, Mikey Marshall and JP Stephens
Produced by Rude Mechanicals
Pictures by Ellie Vice / Promotional Pictures by Cole Carrico